Class FloatValueBuffer

Direct Known Subclasses:
Float32ValueBuffer, Float64ValueBuffer, Percent16ValueBuffer

public abstract class FloatValueBuffer extends ValueBuffer
Stores binary values and provides efficient methods to manipulate it.
  • Constructor Details

    • FloatValueBuffer

      public FloatValueBuffer(ValueType type, int capacity)
  • Method Details

    • set

      public long set(int index, long value)
      Specified by:
      set in class ValueBuffer
    • set

      public int set(int index, int value)
      Specified by:
      set in class ValueBuffer
    • set

      public short set(int index, short value)
      Specified by:
      set in class ValueBuffer
    • set

      public byte set(int index, byte value)
      Specified by:
      set in class ValueBuffer
    • getLong

      public long getLong(int index)
      Specified by:
      getLong in class ValueBuffer
    • getInt

      public int getInt(int index)
      Specified by:
      getInt in class ValueBuffer
    • getShort

      public short getShort(int index)
      Specified by:
      getShort in class ValueBuffer
    • getByte

      public byte getByte(int index)
      Specified by:
      getByte in class ValueBuffer