Class OngoingGameState

Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionGameState, PlayableGameState

public abstract class OngoingGameState extends GameState
A game state from within a game where a winner has not yet been determined.
  • Constructor Details

    • OngoingGameState

      public OngoingGameState(Board board, PlayerState lightPlayer, PlayerState darkPlayer, long timeSinceGameStartMs, PlayerType turn)
      Instantiates a game state for an ongoing point in a game.
      board - The state of the pieces on the board.
      lightPlayer - The state of the light player.
      darkPlayer - The state of the dark player.
      timeSinceGameStartMs - The time this state was created.
      turn - The player who made an action or that should make an action.
  • Method Details

    • isFinished

      public boolean isFinished()
      Description copied from class: GameState
      Returns whether this state represents a finished game.
      Specified by:
      isFinished in class GameState
      Whether this state represents a finished game.
    • getTurn

      public PlayerType getTurn()
      Gets the player who can make the next interaction with the game.
      The player who can make the next interaction with the game.
    • getWaiting

      public PlayerType getWaiting()
      Gets the player that is waiting whilst the other player makes the next interaction with the game.
      The player who is waiting for the other player to interact with the game.
    • getTurnPlayer

      public PlayerState getTurnPlayer()
      Gets the state of the player that we are waiting on to interact with the game.
      The state of the player that we are waiting on to interact with the game.
    • getWaitingPlayer

      public PlayerState getWaitingPlayer()
      Gets the state of the player that is waiting whilst the other player makes the next interaction with the game.
      The state of the player that is waiting for the other player to interact with the game.
    • getSubject

      public PlayerType getSubject()
      Description copied from class: GameState
      Get the subject player of the game state. e.g., player to roll/move, player that rolled/moved, player that won.
      Specified by:
      getSubject in class GameState
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class GameState